Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Merredin to Perth : 276kms

.Wednesday, 2nd August.

The deluge which greeted us just before we reached Merredin on Monday ceased through the night and we woke on Tuesday morning to clear blue sky and sunshine, with just a few minor puddles lying around.

We were on the road by 8.15am, at 5 degrees the temperature was a little warmer than on Monday and we had a very pleasant drive through the wheatbelt, briefly stopping in Cunderdin at the request of a pair of policemen who invited Mike to blow into a breathalyser.  Disappointed at the zero reading, they permitted us to proceed, and we were happy to oblige, stopping again in Meckering for our last fuel top up on this trip.

Bypassing Northam, we progressed through the green and lovely Perth Hills making our final stop in Mundaring where we intended to buy the hamburgers we'd been craving, for lunch.  Finding the 'gourmet' hamburger shop closed, we decided that turkish rolls from the next door Mundaring Istanbul Kebabs, Pizza House and Fish and Chips shop could be a satisfactory substitute.  Well....they were much better than a substitute!  Stuffed with warm beef and salad, and so large they were difficult to eat 'daintily', they were absolutely delicious and we were not sorry that the hamburger shop was closed!

From there we continued along Great Eastern Highway, down Greenmount Hill to Midland, turned left onto Roe Highway and headed for home, arriving at 12.30pm.

By the time we'd cleared out the car and caravan, done all the little jobs that needed doing immediately and had hot showers, we gave ourselves the rest of the afternoon off,  sat down with a cup of coffee each in front of the television and promptly dozed off.  (Overcome with tiredness or boring TV?....perhaps a combination of the two).

This morning I waded through a mountain of washing (were there really only two of us in the caravan?) and Mike is taking the lawn mower for a walk around the lawns.  The next job is shopping, a necessity if we wish to eat but one of my least favourite things so I'm not looking forward to it!

The trip was not the success we'd hoped it would be, only partly due to the weather but mostly because of illness, without which we'd have been able to cope with the unfavourable weather.  We missed out on seeing places and people we had planned to see which was a disappointment and consequently we are home sooner than expected but it wasn't all bad.  The trip east was enjoyable and spending time with our family is always a joy....there were times on the journey home that were also enjoyable, especially when the coughing began to ease and we regained some energy.  Now that the continual driving is over, we can relax and do very little  if and when we feel so inclined and hope to shake off the dregs of the dreaded lurgy that has dogged us for the last 5 weeks.