Friday 9 June 2017

Down Under Road Trip 2017

Friday, 9th June.

For the last four years we have escaped our down under winters by travelling in the northern hemisphere, thereby enjoying two summers each year but we have decided to brave it out this year, don our warmest clothes and travel a little more in our own country.

Our plan is to drive more or less directly across the country from Perth to Sydney where we will stay for the school holidays to spend time there with our family, after which we will meander home through southern N.S.W., the A.C.T.,  Victoria and South Australia, taking our time visiting familiar and not so familiar places along the way.

So.....the cobwebs (long ago vacated by their occupants) have been removed from the caravan, the car has been serviced and new tyres fitted, our travel mascots 'Boris' and 'Sydney' are raring to go, clothes and food have been packed in the caravan, all that needs to be done at home has been done and we are well and truly ready to hit the road tomorrow morning.

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