Saturday 17 June 2017

Karalee to Fraser Range : 408km

Sunday, 11th June.

It was cold this morning when we woke, 2 degrees in the caravan and hard to leave a snuggly warm bed but nature called so there was no option!  The sunrise was spectacular though we weren't quick enough with the camera to capture the best of it.  After sausages and eggs, expertly cooked by my personal chef, followed by a mug of steaming hot coffee, we packed up and were on the road by 8.30a.m., on the way encountering 3 small, dark skinned kangaroos crossing the track out of the camp.

The first stop was for a fuel top up at Coolgardie, then we turned right and headed south towards Norseman, stopping at a rest place about 25 kms north of town to make sandwiches and coffee for lunch.  A few magpies arrived in anticipation of sharing lunch with us but we suggested that they find their own, as birds should!

There was extensive road work being carried out at the turn off on to the Eyre Highway so a short hold up but as we intended to stop at the BP service station anyway, there was no harm done.  Another hour and a half and we reached today's destination at Fraser Range Caravan Park, where we quickly settled in, had hot showers and relaxed for the rest of the afternoon.

My whinge for the there are big yellow rubbish bins at most of the parking/rest stops along the road, it is disappointing that people still dispose of their rubbish by tossing it onto the verges, it is not difficult to carry it to the nearest bin!

Also visible from the road, though much more pleasing, was the golden pipeline through which, for more than a century has had water pumped from Mundaring Weir in the

Perth Hills to the Goldfields, a distance of roughly 600 amazing featt!

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