Saturday 12 May 2018


Thursday, 10th May, 2018.

Riding to Deggendorf today was a breeze.  This morning was overcast and a little cool when we left Windorf after an excellent breakfast, ideal for riding.  We'd been for a short walk beforehand, 

people were out and about quite early on this public holiday (Ascension Day) with extended families arriving by the river with fishing gear, folding chairs, umbrellas and/or small tents, barbecues and enough food and drink to last for the best part of some time.

In no time at all we cruised past Vilshofen

 to Hofkirchen where we found a bakery/cafe which was open, so stopped to have coffee and cake 

to celebrate my little Tasmaniac sister's Happy Birthday today.

A little way past Hofkirchen, the path veered away from the river and ultimately on to the road through Winzer, on the other side of which we faced a minor cross the bridge to the opposite side of the river or to stay on the path we were on, which was a 5km shorter ride.  We chose the shorter option, through lush farmlands and soon reached Niederalteich where we sat and ate our lunch while watching a large number of people cramming on to the small ferry to cross to the other side.

After an enjoyable rest in the sunshine, we strolled down the road into the town as we'd seen several people wandering about eating ice creams and thought "we'll have one of those each".  The ice cream van happened to be part of a festival, run mostly by the Red Cross and Fire Department, with food vans, a beer hall and of course, an oompapa band!  Great fun!

On reaching Deggendorf, our breezy ride became an ordeal, with a two and a half km climb which I liken to Greenmount with bends, to our accommodation....even with the bikes set on the maximum turbo setting, it was extremely hard yakka but we made it.

Happily, our accommodation, though small, is in an excellent pub with a top beer garden,

where we celebrated our arrival.

Having now clocked up more than 800 kms since leaving Budapest and having completed the climb today, we feel that any lingering doubts we may have had that we fossils could not achieve our goal have been completely dispelled.

1 comment:

Mark & Mireille said...

Wow! Well done on your great accomplishment. It gives us inspiration to always have a go. Keep having a wonderful time. All the best and safe travels xx